ASE 61850 SCL Manager Overview

This video provides an overview of the ASE 61850 SCL Manager software, one of three applications in the ASE 61850 Suite. It is a vendor agnostic tool that enables creation, configuration, viewing and editing of all substation devices. It utilizes data models specified in the IEC 61850 Substation Configuration Language (SLC) specification.

ASE 61850 Server Test Set Overview

This video provides an overview of the ASE 61850 Server Test Set software, one of three applications in the ASE 61850 Suite. It is a IEC 61850 server simulation tool that can also do GOOSE publishing and subscription. It has the ability to simulate multiple IEDs concurrently and uses standard IEC 61850-6 SCL configuration files.

ASE 61850 IED Client

This video provides an overview of the ASE 61850 Client software, one of three applications in the ASE 61850 Suite. It enables easy identification of IEC 61850 devices and supports GOOSE messages and reports data from the devices as it is received.

How to Create Private Logical Nodes Using SCL Manager

This video describes how private logical nodes, common data classes, data attributes and enumerations can be created and used to build an IED data model. It is also intended to help the viewer understand the advantages of reusing existing data types to build complex and customized data types.

ASE 61850 Server GOOSE Subscription Configuration

This video provides an overview of GOOSE Subscription Configuration in ASE 61850 Server Test Set software, one of three applications in the ASE 61850 Suite. Demo covers display of GOOSE mapping configuration in SCL Manager Tool, loading of a sample project with Publisher and Subscriber IEDs and finally GOOSE data and quality changes from Publisher to Subscriber IEDs.

ASE61850 SCL Manager Reusable IEC 61850 SCL Engineering

This video provides an overview of Reusable Engineering with ASE61850 SCL Manager – In this session we demonstrate 3 use-cases of Change Management that are commonly encountered in a Utility’s SCL Engineering Process and how SCL Manager can help automate those use-cases to increase efficiency and eliminate human error.
The use cases are
– Converting Pre-engineered Bay templates that use Virtual IEDs by replacing with real vendor IEDs
– Integrating an Updated/Changed ICD file for an IED that is already engineered in your SCD Project – without losing the engineering done
– Merging an IID file exported by an ICT that has performed modifications to the SCD/CID info and needs to be merged back to the main SCD to bring the configuration back in sync